About Us
“Pagalbos moterimis linija” (Women’s Helpline) is one of the emotional support services providing effective emotional support both online and by telephone.
The main aim of Women’s Helpline is to provide emotional support during critical times by offering support for overcoming a psychological crisis or providing information about other available support options.
People who are facing various difficult situations and/or are having painful experiences in their lives can contact us by making a free call, writing a letter, or emailing us. Emotional support is currently provided 24/7 via the toll-free helpline number 8 800 66366 and online from 5 pm to 9 pm daily.
The key principle of our support service is woman-to-woman.
Helpline volunteers who have undergone special training are prepared to answer the phone and respond to letters effectively.
Volunteers listen, support, provide emotional comfort and stay together when a person struggles to make a decision. Consultants direct person towards useful sources for further help or any additional information.
The Women’s Helpline has been providing emotional support since 2004. Every year we answer more than 26,000 emergency calls, respond to more than 600 letters and over 700 incoming messages. As of now, there are about 260 volunteers who serve in three different cities (Kaunas, Vilnius, Klaipėda). Throughout 2021, we have served 20,683 hours in total.

OUR VISION is to listen to every woman.
OUR MISSION is to provide emotional support, increase the emotional maturity of society members and spread the ideas and values of volunteering.
1. Provide effective emotional support 24/7.
2. Promote volunteering.
3. Implement violence, suicide and crisis prevention strategies.
4. Develop inter-organizational interaction.
OUR VALUES: Respect. Equality. Companionship. Responsibility.
Our services are free of charge. We maintain our activities only thanks to our sponsors.
We strive for the quality. It costs 350 Eur to prepare one helpline volunteer.
Every contribution is very important.