For Companies
Social responsibility is one of the key characteristics of a successful business
We kindly ask you to contribute to the meaningful activities of the Women’s Helpline.
Briefly about us

We provide free emotional support by phone and online 24/7. “Pagalbos moterims linija” (Women’s helpline) has been set up since 2003. We answer more than 26,000 calls and respond to more than 1300 emails and incoming messages every year. As of now, there are more than 260 volunteers involved in our organization. All of the volunteers have completed 100-hour special training courses.
We receive calls and letters from women going through a crisis, who face violence, illness, experience grief after bereavement, or deal with relationship problems, etc. In many cases, genuine human connection and emotional support help a woman to calm down and better understand her feelings. Timely emotional support can save a life.
Contribute to the meaningful activities
Contact us:
How you may contribute
Financial support is of great importance to us as it contributes to volunteer training as well as the operation and maintenance of the helpline.
You may also contribute to the dissemination of information by providing printing and advertising services or spreading information through your communication channels, etc.
Donate a certain percentage of your profit from a particular product.
Your products or services may lighten up the mood of our volunteers.
We invite you to share your ideas.
Benefits for you
We add information about our sponsors – socially responsible companies – on our website and Facebook account.
You may take advantage of income tax relief. Our organization has the status of a beneficiary.
You contribute to the well-being of society and develop a socially responsible brand image.
It is a great privilege to help and support women. Your support can help someone’s mother, sister, daughter, grandmother.
The joy of doing something meaningful and needful is invaluable!
We gladly accept any help as we understand very well that everyone has different opportunities.
Contribute to the meaningful activities
Contact us: